Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)

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it 11 THE DETBOIT EBEE PRESS: SATURDAY DECEMBER 16 1905' UNIVERSAL RECOGNITION DOMINION ROM BELOW STRAITS CITI WINS AGAIN Of THE MERIT SENTIMENT AMONG GRANGERS Will be Dyspepsia Tablets Mary Wilkins Bring is the Sentiment Those who were trow WITHOUT A LICENSE THREE CHILDREN BURNED NOT OR THEM TO DECIDE NOTED CROOK CONVICTED JUST A POSTAL CARD He THEY PROMISED TO IX THINGS SEPARATED ABOUT 40 YEARS Criminal crema prolnably SECRET States CoL JAMES MAXWEM HAS NOT RETURNED HOME Sandstone BY CHANCE MEETING INDIAN HANGED AT BRANTORD SEPARATED ORTY IVE YEARS He Had Not Seen Since ANOTHER TERM OR GAD Before the Outbreak of the Civil War DR WILBUR RESIGNS LOCAL BREVITIES piano recital will be given' in Always in stock at our a 9 1884 Tra verse City Mich December (Special) Left in the house alone the Your name on a postal will brine illustrated information would notbe made public a a reason that an at marie to locate rank of the places in which he result of Prof take and with and South Boardman amily Left Island of Haiti at Outbreak of a Re SUPER VISORS NOT JUDGES ASTO INECTION DISEASES armers Beginning to See the Tre mendous Influence on Legislation Wielded by That Officer and Think He Should Not Be Dictated by Corporations 15 more Gen born 82nd ROBERT JONES Michigan Pass Agmt Detroit Mich All these in addition to the general features that usually make the Sunday ree Press Wayne hotel will newly decorated 'The room mirrors Most Entertaining Paper If you are not a subscrib er place an order now with your newsdealer for a copy Brewers Told Saloonist Could Do Business oinachs STEAMSHIPS MAY SMOKE Dyspepsia Tablets are a seller and believe bring illed with good things for the Yuletide season There will be stories by g' ather and Children Will Be Reunited RANCIS General Passenger Agent Chicago' Received by a Detroit Church It Unites Relatives about a however has Supreme Court Decision in Mason Case Brings This Out was found guilty today of attempting to steal a valuable diamond stud fromM A Price while aboard a crowded street car last August Attec being out two hours the jury found Maxwell guilty as charged and Judge Coolidge will sentence him Jan uary 2 Sunday ree Press Couple Residing Near Traverse City Bereft of Little Ones bellion Not Learning Destination of Daughter Who Had Married How Postal Reached Boardman sup Tablets are a big seller us and bring relief to lots of Lansing Mich 'December 15 (Spe Dr Wilbur chief Of the department of vital statistics in the secretary of office has tendered his resignation to take' effect Janu ary 1 Dr Wilbur has been connected with thia department for twelve years and has made a reputation as a statistic ian vens's Uv non Central Drug Co 291 Wood Ann Arbor cial) A man from and here bate The demand for Stuart's Dyspepsia 1 is good at all times We sell vf aninn Pharmacy 524 Grand River Reappointment of Collector at Mar quette Agreed Upon Washington December 15 Senators Burrows and Alger have agreed upon the reappointment of Collector Gad Smith at Marquette and the appoint ment will be sent to senate soon MOTHER LET THEM IN THE HOUSE ALONE been arranged The toasted is Ideal experience with Dys psi i Tablets has convinced us of popularity Sales are Avenue Pharmacy 488 Cass ave Tablets are god for sour We sell a lot of Cooke 109 111 Michigan ave Judge Murphy Dismisses Case Against Detroit Boats 'Steamships may smoke until the time comes when a suitable smoke consuming device is wrought out inthe brain of some inventor Judge Murphy yesterday dismissed the cases against the White Star line as well a the two cases against the Detroit Belle Isle Windsor erry Co The City of Toledo Columbia Sap pho Pleasure and Garland were the offending vessels according to Smoke Inspector airgreaves but he failed to have supporting testimony while the defendants produced experts to show that consumers are not feasible Lansing Mich December 15 (Spe The decision of the supreme court in affirming the action of Judge Wiest in granting a mandamus to com pel the board of supervisors to allow the claim of Dr Thomas of Mason is of general interest The board disallowed claim of the physician for the' treatmeht1 of ty phoid cases on the' ground that typhoid fever is not dangerous communica ble The supreme court holds that this question is not for boards of supervis ors to decide but is one for boards of health The supervisors it' is may de termine whether the services charged for were actually and necessarily per formed and whether the charges were just and reasonable that Stuart's Dyspepsia in good demand with us keep them in Pharmacy 275 Woodward Among the meritorious medicinal preparations few are as well as Dyspepsia Tab lets and none is better or more fa rom the time of sale a few years ago into instant favor with Macomb Officials Receive Analysis of Eliza Na Timor's Stomach Mt Cleneii Mich December Tho atoniach of Kliza Nanunor arrived from Ann Arbor today with Pmt analysis pasted on th top of the little glass jar containing it Before its arrival sheriff Kcksteln said that If there was poison found the result or the analysis at once giving tempt would ba Ellis in several had last been Whatever the Investigation the authorities refuse to say anything about it People Want Them for They South Boardmin AMic December After a searehbffdrty years the daughter of King of this place lias been located In Louisiana Mr King resided on the island of Haiti in the West Indies previous to the rebellion there in 1869 The daugh ter married a man named Emanuel Guillory from Louisiana and they sailed for the United States At the breaking out of the rebellion Mr King and his family sailed for New York before learning the destina tion of his daughter A large sum of money was spent by Mr King while he Was in New York iu an attempt to learn the whereabouts of the daughter rom the metropolishe went to Connecticut to reside still keeping up the search rom the wooden nutmeg state Mr King cams to Michigan All hope of finding the lost daugh ter had about vanished after the lapse of nearly forty years when a postal card was received addressed to tbs Bethel church Detroit asking for information as to the whereabouts of Noah King or William King a son of Noah King Strange as it may seem a sister of Airs William King was at the church and heard it read forwarding it to Mr King at this place It was from the lost daughter who resides at Opelou sas La She is well and is the mother of fourteen children eleven of Whom are living Unique State of Affairs Brought Out in Saginaw Case Before the Su preme Court Latter Holds That the Contract is Void Because Kalamazoo Mich December After a separation of than forty five years from wife and children and through a chance meet ing With the wife of one of his sons John Dempsey a veteran of the civil war will meet in a family reunion with his three sons all that remains of hig family and their families or Christmas day at Bellefontaine During the dark days before the civif war Mr Dempsey assisted in conduct ing an underground railroad in Ohio He was detected and compelled to fle to Canada At ttiat time his family was living in the sOuth and after the war he was unable to find any trace of them He came to Kalamazoo and has lived in tills citv ever since It was through a chance meeting on a local street that the father and the wife of one of his: Sons met They had never seen each other The daughter in law was on her way to' the northern part of this state and changed cars here She had a few between trains and while on the streets saw a man who looked much like a picture of the father of her husband She watched him for Some time and noticed actions' which reminded her of her husband' She thought that possibly It 'might her fa ther in law whom her husband believed dead many years She concluded to find out and asked the man his name He told her She explained who she was and went straight to his home She remained here two days until the arrival of her husband and they arranged for the reunion Romantic Story of How a Kalamazoo Man Got Trace of His amily Whom THEIR APPEAL DISMISSED "Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a and give relief to lots of Thev are good goods and are Chas Bleakly 9 Abbott street: "5tiart's Tablets give artificial aid to digestion and bring relief to many rably known eir initial Puts Out Blaze AVI tli Seltzer Wit It contents of seltzer bottles Charles Towns prevented the burning of his saloon at 367 Brush street at 1:15 this morning ire orig inated under a stairway nriir the and was threatening the structure when the bottles were brought into play Bennett Was ound Guilty of Mur dering a Squaw Brantford December Joseph Ben nett Indian who murdered Betsy Jacobs a squaw on the Oshweken In dian reserve last July suffered the full penalty of the law by hanging in the jail yard here at 8:15 this morning He walked perfectly steady to the drop and so far as can be learned made no confession Last night however he told the jail offi cials that he was innocent of the crime The murder of Betsy Jacobs was committed on July 9 and was shock ingly brutal The murderer evidently sprang upon the helpless woman seized her by the throat and choked the life out of her in his frenzy Bennett was captured a few days later after a hot chase by the authorities: Smart's Tablets are very good and a big sale with us People seemj like them for the relief they 'adillae Pharmacy 60 62 Cadillac Lansing Mich December (Spe The case of John Walhier against the National Brewing Co de cided by the supreme court today shows how some things are done in Saginaw The plaintiff claims and the defend ant admits that the plaintiff was to engage in the saloon business in Saginaw and buy his beer of the de fendant company The plaintiff was to pay the gov ernment tax pay for the beer bought and advance $10 or more each week to the brewing company until suffi cient money was paid over to pay for the state license from January 1 to May 1 The defendants agreed to advance the money for the state tax and to procure the necessary red card The saloonist made payments aggre gating $172 when the defendants re fused to pay the state tax and the saloon was closed' In the meantime the saloon had been running by vir tue of a license issued some time be fore to another man for a different location When the saloonist sued to recover the money paid to the brewers the latter represented that they were to obtain protection for the plaintiff from the police and prosecuting attorney so as to enable him to do business with out paying the state tax and in viola tion of the law Although the saloonist recovered judgment in the circuit court the supreme court holds that as the con tract was immoral or criminal the courts will leave the parties where they have placed themselves The judgment was reversed Grand Rapids Mich December 15 One of the sidelights in connection with the State Grange convention that closed tonight is the sentiment that is being worked up among the farmers to oppose the nomination of an upper peninsula man for lieutenant governor The proposition has been placed be fore them that the lieutenant govern or who tnust represent the corporateinterests above the straits in order to get the place is the most influential man in the state in framing legisla tion for the reason that he is the one who names the senate committees The grangers especially those who have put in a term or two at Lan sing have come to know how great a power the lieutenant governor wields in this respect A Senator Woodman of Paw Paw who is now Serving his second term and who will not go back is actively en gaged in pointing out what a soft thing the upper peninsula has been en joying all these years will never hear a whimper from the upper lie said to day long as the interests up there are allowed to control the upper pen insula rom their standpoint and from the standpoint of machine polir tics it is the pivotal place in the state administration 4 the lieutenant governor serves the interests who control him and business is to frame the com mittees of the senate to the best ad vantage in controlling legislation has been worked for years for if you will look back you will find that whenever the necessity arises for kill ing some bill that public sentiment demands the killing is done in some senate committee A recent illustra tion is the killing of the bill that pass ed the house to compel railroads to be come common carriers of live ire Itonta Sleepers A one story shanty on the citv Ingersoll street and Greusel avenue occupied as sleeping quarters by several laborers employed by the department of public works was burn ed to the ground early this morning The inmates had difficulty in escap ing An overheated stove caused the blaze Col Wesley Jones is bead New York December 15 Wesley Jones founder and head of the United volunteer life saving corns died toaay at ms nome in BrooKijm Jones served throughout the civil part of the time on the staff of George McClellan He was in Philadelphia and was in his year James Maxwell ound Guilty at St Joseph' St Joseph Mich December James" Maxwell alias Cole man who hag been on "trial in the court for the' last four days A Ib id Clifford and Henry streets: "Stuart's Tablets have a big sale a very good uis Cooper 371 Woodward ave SITTIT ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION CHI CAGO DEC 10 23 1006 The Grand Trunk Railway System announces single fare plus $100 the round trip on all trains December 16th 17th 18th and 19th Tickets valid returning to and including December 24th by depositing same and paying 25 cents additional or fares and furth er particulars consult local agent write to Geo Vaux AG1 th a new auditorium of the Detroit Museum of Arc next Tuesday eevnlng by Mrs and Miss Luderer Tills evening at halt 820 Gratiot avenue the Swabian Maenner chor gives its tenth annual musical en tertainment A musical and dramatic entertainment will be given tomorrow evening bv the Arion Singing society at its hall onChamplain street The drawing of the piano which wAs raf fled for the Hous of Providence took place last night Ticket No 1130 bearing the name was the winner The fourth of a series of expository talks by Rev X) Campbell will be given at the WestDetroit tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock Dr R' Studer general secretary of the A will address the business class at Presbyterian church' tomorrow noon on The business class of the Martha I lolmcs Methodist church Putnam and 3 Jnc oln avenues will hold its banquet in the church parlors this evening An dab crate program nas genera! theme to be SOon guests df the their meals in the remodeled dining room its new electrio chandeliers marble columns makes a very handsome appearance Rev Mr Tolmio of Windsor vlll preach Sunday morning in the Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian church Rev A II Barr will occupy the pulpit of St church Windsor and deliver an anniver sary sermon: Caught in the machinery at the plant of the Detroit Copper and Brass Roiling mills the right hand of Theodore Ditt man of 677 Lansing avenue was badlv crushed yesterday He was taken to Har per hospital where alp Angers Of the hand were amputated City Accountant Gridley: has appointed Andrew Gray and Hall as his as sistants in the work of examining the official books of the board of education end water board in accordance with the resolution of the common council to that effect They will get S100 a month each Mr Gray was a former assistant of Ac countant Gridley Mr Hall a nephew Aia ernor ro UHICAGO 5775 Via Wabash Tickets good going 2e cember 16 17 18 19 return limb De cember 24 1965 Wabash Citv deket Office 9 ort street and Union Sta tion street west: keep Tablets in stock is large They are an excellent a good many Dyspepsia I JUDGE HARMON IS SWORN IN Tablets Are one of our best sellers I Must be a good I Now in Charge of Canadian 'Pere A Cunningham Druggist 1300 Marquette System Grand River avenue dispose of Dyspepsia Tablets seem to know I recently appointed receiver for the their value fop'jlhe purpose intended Chicago Hamilton Dayton railway Are a good and the Pere Marquette railway was vie a goou seuer last night sworn in as receiver for Young Druggist 575 Grand I lllt Portion of the Pere Marquette River avenue 1 whlch 3s operated in Canada he hav '1 named for that position by Have sold Stuart Dyspepsia Tab Mr Justice Burbridge of the exchequer lets for years Customers know what I dominion they ar eau tor them Ar big seller with United States idelity and Surety Co Teri Tnnc I Mr Audette administered the oath bv Lev! Jones Druogist 408 Dix avenue hich Judge Harmon bound himself Have a good many calls for to faithfully administer the affairs of Dyspepsia Tablets Always keep them I sfetion of the road operated in i i Canada As soon as he had taken the In stock Must be a fine article oath Judge Harriion formally took Brown Pharmacy Co 110 Woodward I Possession of the Canadian portion of ra the Pere Marquette the railway being avenue i i epresented by General Manager Cot question about it Dys ler who accompanied Judge Harmon pepsia Tablets are a good I his Caldwell Druggist 242 Grand River avenue: Shortage Made Good customers oblige us to keep I Tilbury Ont December At a spe well supplied with Dyspepsia nlfetin? of the Tilbury East coun cil failed to consider the shortage of Tablets They are certainly a popular I Robertson ex treasurer a set tlement was effected The sum of $2 rrK 800 was realized from the assignment The Campbell Pharmacy 2129 Jeffer of Mr Robertson $1500 being secured son avenue: from the sale of the farm and $1300 trouble to sell Dysnen I £ronl th? chattels In addition to this rj PP the bondsmen have paid $1400 makiner sia Tablets They sell themselves We a total of $4200 which wag accepted dispose of many gross by the township In lieu of the alleged I defalcation of $7(X (Ion I TJillmty Ilv vi errrtef 1 4Q4 I WX ward avenue: Dyspepsia Tablets seem to fill the bill with our trade We have a steady call for and sell lots of Lewis Mcarland 528 Michigan avenue: have many calls for Dyspepsia Tablets They sell well and seem to give Kurz 742 Michigan avenue: Dyspepsia Tablets are a good seller Users praise them highly Should say they serve the purpose Chas Green 512 Twelfth street: of the best selling articles we always carry in stock is Dyspepsia Tablets Customers have great faith IL Richards' 170 Chene street: insist i'upon having Dyspepsia Tablets The de mand now seems to be as good as ever Red Cross Pharmacy 259 Rivard street: carry Dyspepsia Tab lets Many people use them as our sales will show Are a good Geo MacKimmie 345 Trumbull avenue: Dyspepsia Tablets are all right They have always been a good seller with us Demand at present is Johnson 'Johnson 1699 Russell street: find no difficulty in disposing of Dyspepsia Tablets They are in good demand an excellent Jones 336 Twenty fifth street' corner Porter street: customers ask for Dyspepsia Tablets No Jet up in the demand' They give good satisfac Robbins Pharmacy 502 Third ave nue: sell Dyspepsia Tab lets Will say that thev are a good seller and are liked by our Hallock 764 ort street 1 sold Dyspepsia Tablets for a number Of years They are one of the best selling articles in cur stock Always have Geo Cohen 849 Grand River ave nue: Dyspepsia Tablets are called for and we are never without a supply They sell Jas Campbell 207 Twelfth street: not hesitate to say that Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are a popular article Our sales are good at all Property owners on Glengarry ave nue again have lost in their legal fight against the city of Windsor The trou ble has been over the freezing of the water pipes in Glengarry avenue and the residents are asking for damages The case was to come up for trial at Sandwich December 18 but owing to some errors in the pleadings Ellis Ellis city solicitors secured an order from Judge McHugh postponing the trial on the motion until next spring 13 Davis solicitor for the property owners appealed the matter to the To ronto courts It Came UD for a henrinsr vesterdav at Toronto and the anneal wa dis missed with costs This means that I the case will now go over as was in tended in the order made by Judge ply it for we are never without McHugh It is expected that before them spring the city will remedy the defect in the mains Morris Druggist 919 Grand River avenue: I TOTAL LOSS BY IRE $12150 stock would not be complete without Dyspepsia Tablets Baxter Seems to Be ollowed by Judging from the quantity we sell every year should say that they are I the ire Hoodoo well liked by those who use Losses sustained in the fire in the I Crawford House block Windsor Eaton Druggist 291 Jefferson Thursday night were as follows: Craw avenue: ford estate damage to building $4000 I covered by insurance Wall Customers call for Stuart Dys Paper Co stock $6000 covered b' in pepsia Tablets with They surance George Thomas electrical seem to be very popular with ho fall fZOOO partially insured and in Off in Ho Singer Sewing Machine Co damage in off ln the demand by water $150 fully covered by in Standard Drug Store 27 Monroe ave I Baxter of the firm of Nevoux Clinton Baxter also is a loser by Dyspepsia Tablets are a the fire Thursday lie purchased the good seller with stock and business of the Wall Paper Co from A Ashton Lincoln Avenue Pharmacy 488 Lin and before he had time to take charge coin avenue: I the business thefire occurred notbe without a good supply bTherT VoodooTwic has ffifirm of Dyspepsia Tablets Our suffered loss by fire in its hardware customers will have store and twice did the Walkerville Match plant in which Mr Bat Geo E' Doyle Druggist 1164 ort I ter was a' large stockholder partially I UUl 11 Dvcnenia I Charles Crawford the trustee of btuarts Dyspepsia the Crawford estate will have the Our trade in them building repaired as soon as the insur ance companies adjust the losses public with dyspepsia and indiges found instant relief rom the hi nted output at the beginning the (I maud for these goods has grown be something enormous The growth of the sales is a testi monial of great weight to the worth' cf the tablets But the greatest te tinonial and the greatest adver for Tablets is the man or woman who has been cured of indigestion their use There arc thousands of these who have qniotly spread the good news among their friends and neighbors grateful for the relief brought them This is the secret of the enormous growth in the sales of Smart's Dyspepsia Tablets and it likewise the greatest testimonial that an article could have No bet evidence could be desired that a cure is entitled to public support ami that it doos all that is claimed for ir Here are the expressions of a number of Detroit Druggists on Tablets: in Burke President Central i Co 187 Woodward avenue: We sell a great many of spepsia Tablets and have for a at manv vears It often that a druggist says anything Heine I see no harm omitiviuiing an article that as Tablets have They i a tremendous sale and I believe relief to a great many Schettler 55 ort street Man is Mysteriously Missing Mich December (Spe giving his name as Inghram Sandstone Jackson county Is missing the trail is being sought for from On Wednesday he went into the pro office and asked for a decree of as signment Judge Newkirk'gave him a cer tified copy of the decree This afternoon Judge Newkirk received a telephone call from the register of the probate court at Jackson inquiring if Ingh ram had been here The Jackson official said that it was upon his adviee 'that Inghram came to Ann Arbor for the paper but that he had not returned home and his horse and buggy were still in a Jackson barn a Mrs Inghram is Very much wor ried Big Christmas Number Wm Lampton and Christmas contributions from other writers and Plenty of ine Pictures In Color and Black and White LIXER ADV'ERTISERS Who patronize the column's of The ree Press are requested to bring id their want advertising copy as early as The Increase in" the size the Sunday edition and the growth of The ree Press circulation make Ingersoll residing near ife lake tvWte burned to death yesterday Their ages range irom a to years The father' was away Wqrklog me inotner to A 1 ne youngest enuii one died th way ana tne minx died inc mere How the Are never be teamed ARE KEEPING IT Hotel Man ined 10 Cents Stratfdrd December 15 Mag istrate Oloane fined McArdale ho tel man ten cents without costs for slapping the face of a drunken man who refused to leave his hotel when refused liquor Border Brevities The repairs to All church chancel have been completed and the congregation will worship in the church tomorrow William II Downey has accepted the position of principal of the Mercer street school Windsor and will report for duty January 3 Joseph Cecile a Sandwich East ho telkeeper was yesterday fined $3250 by Magistrate Bartlet for selling liquor during prohibited hours James Ouellette caterer of Wind sor has teased the cafe of the Savoy hotel and is refitting the premises He will instal a lunch counter in addition to the regular dining room Lieut Col Boulanger who was in command of the ordnance store corps at Quebec has been removed from the active militia It was discovered that he allowed his men to join different regiments at the annual camp in order that they could money' from each The Aid society of St An Presbyterian church Windsor has elected officers as follows: Hon orary president Mrs Tolmie president Mrs Thomas Reid vice president Mrs George Cheyne secre tary Mrs Thomas Holmes: treasurer Mrs Peddie Mayor Wigle lias sold he debentures for the Windsor avenue pavement The pavement should have been laid this year but Owing to a difference of opin ion as to the class of pavement de sired the work was held upsThe city has the money In 'the bank and will draw interest on the same until next summer What Detroit Druqaists Say of the Trouble Arose Over the reezing of a I Water Pipes in Glengarry Avenue Enormous Sales of til Next Spring ndous to thousands of people They have merit for people come back them Advertising may do a it do everything and people come back for Tab if thev what they Grunow Patterson Druggists 238 Randolph "Havii sold Dyspepsia Tab fop years vyi ti an increasing de ttiand They are an easy selling article and seem to give great August Beg row Druggist 1422 or street west 1 Dyspepsia Tablets areitnong the articles that we call quick sellers in our stock and one of the nest Customers sseem well satisfiedIth Jefferson" Pharmacy 300 Jefferson avenue: "We sell our share of Dys pepsia Tablets There Is a good de mand constantly Always able to sup The Overland Limited to California rom Union Passenger Station Chicago at 8 daily arrives Omaha 920 a and San rancisco the afternoon of the third day Through standard sleepers Chicago to San rancisco Dining cars and observation cars all the way tho Chicago Milwaukee StAPaul Railway jin connection with the Union Pacific apd the Southern Pacific lines Tourist sleeping cars for California leave Union Passenger Station Chicago 6 OS and 1025p daily Personally conducted tourist car parties at 1025 Tuesdays and Thursdays Tickets from agent of any connecting line 'See that your ticket west of Chicago reads via the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railway nr nriiir rtT'iZ'i ProPertyowners Turned Down Or THIS ARTICLE Next Lieutenant Governor of State Should Come To California Personally Conducted The What does it'tnean That you Can cross the continent in comfort without a travel worry at about half the usual expense You can leaveChicago any Tuesday Wednesday or Thurs day in a modern Pullman tourist sleeping car in charge of a special conductor who accompanies the party bn the entire journey to San rancisco and Lbs Angeles? The route is over the famous line to Denver thro the Scenic Rockies of Colorado by daylight Salt Lake City over preat Salt Lake across the majestic Sierras past Cali fornia fertile fields and down to the glorious Pacific i i i Walga? i Btil! i ir fiW BaaSgra is kZavX At SjaflMBaUlr OWL a I.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.