Inmate Locator - Search for a person in custody in Anoka County | Anoka County, MN (2024)

"); //need to display theApp in case showError is called before startup $(ANOKCO.theApp).css("display", "block"); $(ANOKCO.theMessage).css("display", "block"); $(ANOKCO.theSearch).css("display", "none"); $(ANOKCO.theList).css("display", "none"); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).css("display", "none"); $(ANOKCO.theLoader).css("display", "none"); ANOKCO.VIEW.styleApp(); ANOKCO.VIEW.scrollApp(); return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.showSearchInmates = function () { $(ANOKCO.theMessage).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theSearch).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theList).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).empty(); //add current refresh message $(ANOKCO.theMessage).append("

Information current as of " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.LastUpdate + " Central Time.

"); //v2 - not clear why the line is commented out and then re-entered //$(ANOKCO.theMessage).append("

Check For Updates

"); $(ANOKCO.theMessage).append("

Check For Updates

"); $(ANOKCO.theMessage).append("

"); //add search input box $(ANOKCO.theSearch).append("

Search by typing the person's first or last name.

"); $(ANOKCO.theSearch).append("

"); $(ANOKCO.theSearch).append("

"); //v2 - added radio buttons //Define radio button group and set 'checked' to last value selected $("#anokcoSearchType").append("

"); $("#anokcoSearchType").append("

"); $("#anokcoSearchType").append("

"); $("#anokcoSearchType").append("

"); switch (ANOKCO.DATA["SEARCHTYPE"]) { case "InCustody": $("#anokcoInCustody").prop("checked", true); break; case "Released": $("#anokcoReleased").prop("checked", true); break; case "Both": $("#anokcoBoth").prop("checked", true); break; default: break; } $(ANOKCO.theSearch).append("

"); $(ANOKCO.theSearch).append("

"); //add the list of first letter links $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

Search by selecting the first letter of the person's last name.

"); $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

"); var numberInmates = ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates.length; var stringFirstLetter = ""; for (var i = 0; i < numberInmates; i++) { if (stringFirstLetter != ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0].charAt(0).toUpperCase()) { stringFirstLetter = ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0].charAt(0).toUpperCase(); //append a div for the letter to the list $("#anokcoList").append("

" + stringFirstLetter + "

"); } } //add a link for all $("#anokcoList").append("

Show All

"); $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

"); //attach events to search box ANOKCO.VIEW.typeAheadSearch(); //style the app $(ANOKCO.theMessage).css("display", "block"); //v2 - remove the extra semicolon //$(ANOKCO.theSearch).css("display", "block"); ; $(ANOKCO.theSearch).css("display", "block"); $(ANOKCO.theList).css("display", "block"); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).css("display", "none"); $(ANOKCO.theLoader).css("display", "none"); ANOKCO.VIEW.styleApp(); if (ANOKCO.VIEW.showSearchInmates.timesUsed == undefined) { ANOKCO.VIEW.showSearchInmates.timesUsed = 1; } else { ANOKCO.VIEW.scrollApp(); } return; } //v2- if there is a value in the search box, re-search after changing type of search, such as incustody to both ANOKCO.VIEW.InCustody_Click = function (InCustodyValue) { //document.getElementsByName(ANOKCO.VIEW.hdnSearchType).value = InCustodyValue; //console.log(InCustodyValue); ANOKCO.DATA["SEARCHTYPE"] = InCustodyValue; if ($('#anokcoSearchBox').val().toUpperCase() != "") { ANOKCO.VIEW.showSuggestions(); } return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.showInmatesList = function (letter) { $(ANOKCO.theMessage).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theSearch).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theList).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).empty(); //append a heading with the first letter and a link to go back $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

Go Back To Search

"); $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

Click name for details

"); //$(ANOKCO.theList).append("

"); //var numberInmates = ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates.length; //v2 - change to accomodate type of search //if (letter == "*") { // //append all inmates // for (var i = 0; i < ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates.length; i++) { // $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + "

"); // } //} else { // //append all inmates with that first letter // for (var i = 0; i < ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates.length; i++) { // if (letter.toUpperCase() == ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0].charAt(0).toUpperCase()) { // $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + "

"); // } // } //} //v2 - append only the inmates who match the current type of search if (letter == "*") { //append all inmates for (var i = 0; i < ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates.length; i++) { if (ANOKCO.DATA["SEARCHTYPE"] == "Released") { if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][4] == "False") // InJail is False { $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][5] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][6] + "

"); } } else { if (ANOKCO.DATA["SEARCHTYPE"] == "Both") { $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][5] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][6] + "

"); } else { if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][4] == "True") // InJail is True { $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + "

"); } } } } } else { //append all inmates with that first letter for (var i = 0; i < ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates.length; i++) { if (letter.toUpperCase() == ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0].charAt(0).toUpperCase()) { if (ANOKCO.DATA["SEARCHTYPE"] == "Released") { if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][4] == "False") // InJail is False { $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][5] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][6] + "

"); } } else { if (ANOKCO.DATA["SEARCHTYPE"] == "Both") { $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][5] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][6] + "

"); } else { if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][4] == "True") { $(ANOKCO.theList).append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + "

"); } } } } } } // end v2 change $(ANOKCO.theMessage).css("display", "none"); //v2 - remove the extra semicolon //$(ANOKCO.theSearch).css("display", "none");; $(ANOKCO.theSearch).css("display", "none"); $(ANOKCO.theList).css("display", "block"); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).css("display", "none"); $(ANOKCO.theLoader).css("display", "none"); ANOKCO.VIEW.styleApp(); ANOKCO.VIEW.scrollApp(); return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.typeAheadSearch = function () { //current versions of Android browser do not handle keypress events, so attach focus and blur handlers and use a set interval to look for typed inputs to search box var timerId = 0; $('#anokcoSearchBox').focus(function () { if (timerId) { clearInterval(timerId); } timerId = setInterval(function () { ANOKCO.VIEW.checkSearch(); }, 250); //check for inputs 4 times a second }); $('#anokcoSearchBox').blur(function () { clearInterval(timerId); }); return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.checkSearch = function () { if (ANOKCO.theSearchString == $('#anokcoSearchBox').val().toUpperCase()) { //do nothing because the search input has not changed } else { ANOKCO.theSearchString = $('#anokcoSearchBox').val().toUpperCase(); ANOKCO.VIEW.showSuggestions(); } return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.showSuggestions = function () { $(ANOKCO.theMessage).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theList).empty(); var search = $('#anokcoSearchBox').val().toUpperCase(); $("#anokcoSearchResults").empty(); //v2 - change of class, look into why //$("#anokcoSearchResults").append("

Go Back To Search

"); $("#anokcoSearchResults").append("

Go Back To Search

"); $("#anokcoSearchResults").append("

Click name for details

"); // loop through the array of array of names and display all matches $("#anokcoSearchResults").append("

"); if (search.length >= 2) { var j = 0; for (i = 0; i < ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates.length; i++) { if ((ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0].indexOf(search) == 0) || (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1].indexOf(search) == 0) || (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2].indexOf(search) == 0)) { //v2 - change to show only selected kind of search //$("#anokcoSearchResultsList").append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + "

"); if (ANOKCO.DATA["SEARCHTYPE"] == "Released") { if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][4] == "False") // InJail is False { $("#anokcoSearchResultsList").append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][5] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][6] + "

"); } } else { if (ANOKCO.DATA["SEARCHTYPE"] == "Both") { $("#anokcoSearchResultsList").append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][5] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][6] + "

"); } else { if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][4] == "True") { $("#anokcoSearchResultsList").append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][0] + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][1] + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES.inmates[i][2] + "

"); } } } //end v2 change j++; } } if (j == 0) { $("#anokcoSearchResults").append("

No match. Change your search.

"); } } else { $("#anokcoSearchResults").append("

Type at least 2 letters to see choices.

"); } ANOKCO.VIEW.styleApp(); //do not scroll to top of app after every keystroke return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.showDetail = function () { $(ANOKCO.theMessage).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theSearch).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theList).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).empty(); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).append("

"); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).append("

"); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).append("

"); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).append("

"); if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking.length > 0) { var goback = ""; if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.FROM.length > 1) { //it came from search goback = "Go Back to Search for \"" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.FROM + "\""; } else { if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.FROM == "*") { //it came from the all list goback = "Go Back to ALL List" } else { //it came from the first letter goback = "Go Back to " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.FROM + " List" } } $("#anokcoName").append("

" + goback + "

"); $("#anokcoName").append("

" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].LName + ", " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].FName + " " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].MName + "

"); //v2 add released date //$("#anokcoAbout").append("

Housing Agency: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Housing_Agency + "
Arrest Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Arrest_Date + "
Incarceration Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Incarceration_Date + "
Scheduled Release Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Scheduled_Release_Date + "

"); // $("#anokcoAbout").append("

Housing Agency: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Housing_Agency + "
Arrest Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Arrest_Date + "
Incarceration Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Incarceration_Date + "
Scheduled Release Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Scheduled_Release_Date + "
Actual Release Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Release_Date + "
Jacket ID: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].JacketID + "

");// v4 add booking number $("#anokcoAbout").append("

Housing Agency: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Housing_Agency + "
Arrest Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Arrest_Date + "
Incarceration Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Incarceration_Date + "
Scheduled Release Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Scheduled_Release_Date + "
Actual Release Date: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Release_Date + "
Jacket ID: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].JacketID + "
Booking Number: " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Booking[0].Booking_Number + "

"); //end changes //add charges var charges = "Charges:

    " if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Charges.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Charges.length; i++) { charges += "
  • " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Charges[i].ChargeDescription + "
  • "; } } else { charges += "
  • Charges not listed.
  • "; } charges += "

"; $("#anokcoAbout").append("

" + charges + "

"); //add bail amounts var bail = "Bail Amounts:

    " if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.BookingBails.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.BookingBails.length; i++) { bail += "
  • " + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.BookingBails[i].Court_Number + " - $" + ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.BookingBails[i].Bail_Amount + "
  • "; } } else { bail += "
  • No bail amounts available.
  • "; } bail += "

"; $("#anokcoAbout").append("

" + bail + "

"); //add photos if (ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Photos.length > 0) { var photos = ""; for (i = 0; i < ANOKCO.DATA.INMATE.Photos.length; i++) { //put in width and height to make the div the correct size before images have loaded photos += "Inmate Locator - Search for a person in custody in Anoka County | Anoka County, MN (1)"; } } else { photos = "No photos available."; } $("#anokcoPhotos").html(photos); } else { $("#anokcoName").html("Booking information not available - inmate may have been recently released."); } $(ANOKCO.theMessage).css("display", "none"); $(ANOKCO.theSearch).css("display", "none"); $(ANOKCO.theList).css("display", "none"); $(ANOKCO.theDetails).css("display", "block"); $(ANOKCO.theLoader).css("display", "none"); ANOKCO.VIEW.styleApp(); ANOKCO.VIEW.scrollApp(); return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.styleApp = function () { $(".anokcoInstructions").css({ "font-weight": "bold", "font-size": "larger" }); $(".anokcoBreak").css({ "clear": "both" }); $("#anokcoSearchBox").css({ "font-size": "larger", "width": "250px", "height": "40px", "padding": "1px", "margin": "5px", "margin-bottom": "10px", "background-color": "#F9F9F4" }); $(".anokcoNoTouch").css({ "height": "45px", "min-width": "45px", "margin": "5px", "padding": "5px", "margin-bottom": "10px", "margin-left": "0px", "padding-left": "0px", "display": "table" }); $(".anokcoNoTouch > span").css({ "display": "table-cell", "vertical-align": "middle", }); //v2 added attribute vertical-align $(".anokcoTouchTarget").css({ "height": "45px", "min-width": "45px", "margin": "5px", "padding": "5px", "margin-bottom": "10px", "background-color": "#F6F5EC", "border": "1px solid #E5E3CE", "border-radius": "3px", "vertical-align": "middle", "text-align": "center", "display": "table" }); $(".anokcoTouchTarget > a").css({ "display": "table-cell", "vertical-align": "middle", "font-size": "larger", "text-decoration": "none" }); $(".anokcoFloatLeft").css({ "float": "left" }); $(".anokcoAboutText").css({ "width": "280px", "margin-right": "10px" }); //v2 added styles $(".anokcoRadioButton").css({ "height": "30px", "vertical-align": "middle", "min-width": "145px", "margin": "5px", "padding": "5px", "margin-bottom": "15px", "background-color": "#F6F5EC", "border": "1px solid #E5E3CE", "border-radius": "3px", "text-align": "left", "color": "#0066cc", "display": "inline" }); //$(".anokcoRadioButton > a").css({ // "display": "table-cell", // "font-size": "larger", // "text-decoration": "none" //}); $(".anokcoTouchTargetSmall").css({ "height": "30px", "min-width": "45px", "margin": "5px", "padding": "5px", "margin-bottom": "10px", "background-color": "#F6F5EC", "border": "1px solid #E5E3CE", "border-radius": "3px", "vertical-align": "middle", "text-align": "center", "display": "table" }); $(".anokcoTouchTargetSmall > a").css({ "display": "table-cell", "vertical-align": "middle", "font-size": "larger", "text-decoration": "none" }); //end added styles $(ANOKCO.theApp).css({ "padding-bottom": "10px", "border-bottom": "2px solid #E5E3CE" }); //this function is called to reset the height of specific divs in the CivicPlus template to allow the change in height of the app ANOKCO.VIEW.doneLoading(ANOKCO.VIEW.dynamicStretch); return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.scrollApp = function () { //following code scrolls so that top of app is visible var el = document.getElementById(ANOKCO.theAppTop); el.scrollIntoView(true); return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.dynamicStretch = function () { //called after JavaScript app on CivicPlus page changes height of app content //first, set height of div that contains the InfoAdvanced widget to the height of #theApp //this also updates the computed height of the #structuralContainer2 div var padding2 = $(ANOKCO.theApp).closest("div[style*='height']").outerHeight(true) - $(ANOKCO.theApp).closest("div[style*='height']").height(); $(ANOKCO.theApp).closest("div[style*='height']").height($(ANOKCO.theApp).outerHeight(true) + padding2); //then get padding on #structuralContainer1, to add when stretching the containers var padding = $("#structuralContainer1").outerHeight(true) - $("#structuralContainer1").height(); var leftMenu = $("#structuralContainer3").outerHeight(true); //get height of left menu in #structuralContainer3 var midContent = $("#structuralContainer2").outerHeight(true); //get height of breadcrumb, title, content in #structuralContainer2 //get height of #featureColumn if visible var rightFeature = 0; if ($("#featureColumn").is(":visible")) { rightFeature = $("#featureColumn").outerHeight(true) } var isMobileView = $("body").hasClass("narrow"); //body element has class "narrow" when page is in mobile view //reset the #structuralContainer12 and #structuralContainer1 divs so that content does not go into footer or leave gap above footer var theHeight = 0; //catch CSS3 media query, see var mq = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 53em)"); //applies to #structuralContainer2 .contentWrap if (mq.matches) { //the page is in widest view, with feature column floating right of content //set #structuralContainer1 and #structuralContainer12 to maximum of leftMenu, midContent, rightFeature theHeight = Math.max(leftMenu, midContent, rightFeature) + padding; $("#structuralContainer12").height(theHeight).css("minHeight", theHeight); $("#structuralContainer1").height(theHeight).css("minHeight", theHeight); } else { if (isMobileView) { //page is in mobile view, with midContent, rightFeature, and leftMenu stacked //set #structuralContainer12 to total of midContent, rightFeature $("#structuralContainer12").height(midContent + rightFeature + padding).css("minHeight", midContent + rightFeature + padding); //set #structuralContainer1 to total of leftMenu, midContent, rightFeature $("#structuralContainer1").height(leftMenu + midContent + rightFeature + padding).css("minHeight", leftMenu + midContent + rightFeature + padding); } else { //page is in narrow view, with leftMenu and midContent over rightFeature //set #structuralContainer1 and #structuralContainer12 to maximum of leftMenu and midContent plus rightFeature theHeight = Math.max(leftMenu, midContent + rightFeature) + padding; $("#structuralContainer12").height(theHeight).css("minHeight", theHeight); $("#structuralContainer1").height(theHeight).css("minHeight", theHeight); } } return; } ANOKCO.VIEW.doneLoading = function (callBack) { //the dynamicStretch function checks the list of classes in body but that is not set right away //this function keeps checking the list of functions until "doneLoading" appears //then it callsback to dynamicStretch var myBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0); var id = setInterval(checkBody, 10); function checkBody() { if (myBody.classList.contains("doneLoading")) { clearInterval(id); callBack(); } } } //start the app when the document has loaded //jsonp based on $(document).ready(function () { if ($("#liveEditTabs").length) { //when Live Edit is on just show a message ANOKCO.VIEW.showError("This widget contains a JavaScript app. Do not delete."); } else { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ANOKCO.theInmatesURL, async: false, jsonpCallback: "jsonpInmates", contentType: "application/json", dataType: "jsonp", beforeSend: function () { ANOKCO.VIEW.startUp(); }, success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) { ANOKCO.DATA.INMATES = data; ANOKCO.VIEW.showSearchInmates(); }, error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { ANOKCO.VIEW.showError(errorThrown); } }); } });

Inmate Locator - Search for a person in custody in Anoka County | Anoka County, MN (2024)


How to look up if someone is in jail in MN? ›

For those seeking information on inmates in Minnesota state prisons, the Minnesota Department of Corrections (MNDOC) features an online offender search tool on their website. Users can enter the inmate's name or MNDOC number to obtain data such as the inmate's location, offenses, and anticipated release date.

How do I find out if someone is in local jail? ›

Finding out if someone is in jail or prison typically involves contacting local law enforcement agencies, checking online inmate databases, or using third-party websites that provide such information.

How do I contact an inmate in Anoka County jail? ›

You may leave a voice message for an inmate by calling 763-575-8506. Pre-Paid Calling Card - Inmates may purchase pre-paid calling cards through the jail commissary. Money may be placed in an inmate's commissary account online, by telephone or at the kiosk in the jail lobby.

How to visit an inmate in Anoka County jail? ›

Visits must be scheduled 24 hours prior to the desired visiting data and time. They may be scheduled up to one week in advance. There is a limit of one 20-minute visit per day, per incarcerated individual. Visits will start promptly at the time scheduled and will terminate exactly 20 minutes later.

How do I find recent arrests in Minnesota? ›

For statewide arrest information, please visit the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) website or check with each agency or county individually. For court records, please visit the Minnesota Judicial Branch (Courts) website.

How do you see who has been in jail? ›

For state and local prison records, contact the state's department of corrections.

What is the best free inmate search? ›

The best way to locate information on a federal prisoner for free is to go to the Bureau of Federal Prisons. Then, go to the inmate locator tab. You can search by inmate number or name. A list of results will appear with the inmates' names, ID number, age, sex, race, and release date, or prison location.

Is there an app to see if people are in jail? ›

Vinelink – An official app provided by the Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) service, which is used by many states to provide notifications about changes in inmate custody status.

What is the new MobilePatrol app? ›

MobilePatrol connects you to important safety information, news, and critical alerts for places you care about. We partner with public safety and law enforcement agencies nationwide so you can receive timely access to information that keeps you and your loved ones safe.

How do I contact an inmate in Minnesota? ›

The Minnesota Department of Corrections has an online email system to help family and friends communicate with their loved one. The email system uses JPay. To send an email to an incarcerated person, please visit JPay to create an account and send letters electronically.

How do I pay for bail in Anoka County? ›

IN PERSON -- Acceptable forms of payment: cash, personal or cashiers check, money order, or MasterCard or Visa card with proper ID.

What is the phone number for Anoka County Workhouse? ›

To see if you qualify, you will need to schedule an appointment by calling Workhouse Operations at 763-324-4860.

What is huber in MN? ›

Huber is a privilege that allows an inmate to go to work while they are incarcerated. The judge must grant Huber and then the jail will verify the employment and determine whether all requirements are met. The fact that Huber has been granted does not guarantee that you will be allowed out to work.

How does work release work in Minnesota? ›

Work Release Program

People are eligible for work release during the last 12 months prior to their supervised release date. The program contracts with public and private agencies for residential work release services. Programs provide structured living and close supervision and surveillance.

What is a workhouse sentence? ›

Workhouse is the term used for a jail or penal institution for criminals who are convicted for short sentences. Generally the criminals in workhouses are those who have committed minor offenses. The keeper of a workhouse has powers analogous to those of a jailer.

How many prisons are in Minnesota? ›

Minnesota houses three stand-alone federal prisons and one federal prison camp. Each of these Minnesota federal prisons is overseen by the North Central Regional Office. In total, 2,462 inmates are housed inside federal prisons in Minnesota.

How do I send money to an inmate in Minnesota? ›

How to send money:
  1. Electronic Funds Transfer -JPAY- subject to fees below.
  2. Money Orders and cashier's checks mailed to the lockbox - no charge, however must be mailed with a money order deposit form. Payable to Jpay: PO Box 246450, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024.
  3. Click the links below to download the form.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Views: 5649

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.