Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (2024)

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I love spicy food’s. Indian is my first choice, but I also loveCajun! As a family we all love Gumbo, but my husband and I love Jambalaya! I also like easy to make meals, and this one certainly is! It doesn’t get much easier than using a rice cooker for a meal, and the clean up is a breeze!

Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (1)

Seriously the spicier the better for me, BUT the kiddo’s and husband prefer it to be a little LESS spicy, so if you aren’t a HUGE fan of spicy food just cut the spices back. Especially the cayenne pepper. For non spicy lovers just cut all the spices in half and they’ll be much happier.

Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (2)

All the veggies will come to the top during cooking so make sure you stir it VERY well before serving. If you want to add chicken or shrimp I’d saute them separately and stir them in when it’s done cooking. ALSO I usually leave my cooked rice in the rice cooker on warm while I enjoy leftovers, BUT for this dish I don’t recommend it, the sausage will turn brown (and unappealing) and the rice will get mushy

Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (3).

Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (4)

Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe

this spicy dish is easy to make in your rice cooker.

4.24 from 17 votes

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Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour hour 30 minutes minutes

Total Time: 1 hour hour 50 minutes minutes

Servings: 20 servings

Calories: 208kcal

Author: Ashlee Marie


  • 8 Tbsp Butter
  • 1 Lrg onion chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper chopped
  • 1 stick celery chopped
  • 4 tsp garlic
  • 14 oz smoked beef sausage
  • 2 1/2 C uncooked short grain rice We like Japanese rice
  • 4 C chicken broth
  • 2 tsp Creole Seasoning
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 28 oz can stewed tomatoes if it's too spicy for you use cans of diced tomatoes instead

US Customary - Metric


  • Place the butter and onion, pepper and celery in the rice cooker and press cook!

  • After about 10 mins the butter will be melted and the onions will start to turn translucent.

  • This is when I add the sliced sausage and garlic and let it cook another 5-10 mins.

  • Here comes the super easy part... add everything else! Stir and restart the rice cooker!

  • When the timer goes off stir the Jambalaya, close the lid and let it sit another 10 mins!



Now a quick note on the rice. If you want to use a different style of rice, like long grain or brown rice, you totally can. You juts have to change the measurements a bit. Just remember your working with 4 C liquid. So for long grain you'd only use around 2 C rice and brown rice a tad bit less I think...


Calories: 208kcal | Carbohydrates: 22g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 11g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Cholesterol: 26mg | Sodium: 592mg | Potassium: 208mg | Fiber: 0g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 385IU | Vitamin C: 11.6mg | Calcium: 27mg | Iron: 1.1mg

Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (5)

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Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (9)

About Ashlee

With the right tips and tricks, I believe YOU can make, bake, or create anything. This is what I love to do - make some awesome, teach you how, and give you that boost of culinary confidence you need to rock your own kitchen! Read more...

Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (10)


Reader Interactions


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  1. Jo-anne

    That looks really nice. It looks easy enough for me to have a go. I am all for one pan dinners especially if they are easy to make 🙂


    • Ashlee

      it really is very simple! And tastes amazing!

  2. John

    This is a great, easy, one-pan recipe – thanks so much for sharing! We’ve used leftover BBQ sausage, link sausage with shrimp, both very tasty. I add a few thin-sliced jalapenos. Cut the onions first and it is all cooking while you continue to prep. Easy to cook after a long day at work.


    • Ashlee

      Thank you so much! I’m glad you like it! I know it’s not technically the perfect Jambalaya, but It’s fast, easy and we love it! I will TOTALLY try some left over BBQ meats next time! I bet that adds a fantastic flavor to it! I also love shrimp, but my kids don’t care for it, otherwise I’d add it in a heartbeat! Same thing with the Jalapenos, I grew up in a jalapenos loving family, but my kids and even my husband don’t love them the way I do, maybe I can add a few to just my bowl!

  3. gg

    Why not use one can of Rotel tomatoes and one can of regular diced.
    Jalepenos already in the Rotel can.


    • Ashlee

      totally, you can do that, there is no recipe set in stone, do whatever you think your family will like! thats what I do when I try other peoples recipes!

  4. Stephanie B

    The recipe says 1 stick of butter, but in the picture, that doesn’t look like a full stick. How many tablespoons of butter did you use?


    • Ashlee

      That’s cause I’m in the west, we call our sticks “cubes” and they are short and fat, not long and skinny like the east. It is a full 8 Tbsp!!

  5. Don

    Looks great! How many people/servings are these measurements for and what size (in cups) is the rice cooker you use?


    • Ashlee

      I have a 10 cup rice cooker, this makes about 6 cups, I usually make a batch and a half for my large family, totally depends on what you consider a serving size!

  6. Alicia

    If I were to add shrimp, should I do it when I add in the sausage or should I sautée them separately then add them at the end?


    • Ashlee

      I’d saute them and add them at the end. They would get rubbery in the slow cooker

  7. Tonya

    I made this last night and it was GREAT. OMG, how easy can you get. Thanks!!!!


    • Ashlee

      yay yay yay! one of my favorites, glad you like it too!

  8. Walter

    1 link sausage. I’m planning to try this today. All I have is a Hillshire Farm 13 oz. Turkey Kielbasa. Hope this is the same thing.


  9. Walter

    I don’t have a $300 rice cooker. Mine shuts off when I try and fry the veggies in it. Aroma and Hamilton Beach both tell me I can’t do it in a simple on/off/warm rice cooker. What kind are you using?


  10. Jean

    What size can of stewed tomatoes does the recipe use?


    • Ashlee

      14.5 oz size – sorry about that

  11. danae

    Hi Ashlee,
    I Happened to stumble on your sight by accident,and I absolutely love it, I tried to subscribe 3 separate
    times cause I never got anything from you,except the special frosting recipe which I loved, and still nothing, can you please subscribe me, I can’t wait to get some of your delicious recipes to try.

    Many Thanks,


    • Ashlee

      it’s not you – it’s me… I haven’t sent out a newsletter in… well over a year! you can sign up for the weekly updates https://te270.infusionsoft.com/app/form/newsletter-subscription – they are automate and will send every Saturday if there is a new post – instead of the “monthly” newsletters – those I have to write from scratch and I’m always forgetting

    • Danae Sintilas

      Thanks,I am looking forward to getting your yummy posts

  12. Joel

    Hi Ashley! I just LOVED your recipe for Jambalaya! One thing I can’t figure out is how to turn the onions OPAQUE! Please send your tips.



    • Ashlee Marie

      it only takes a few mins of sauteing them for them to go from white to translucent, not opaque

  13. Ella Messer

    Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (11)
    I am a senior adult and do not have one of the new rice cookers. Can I use a slow cooker instead for this? I am also thinking I could freeze this in small containers for later use. What do you think?


    • Ashlee Marie

      no a slow cooker won’t work. And instant pot would work or there are stove top versions

  14. Peggy

    Hi Ashlee
    I only have a rice cooker that gas cooking and warm . Do I need to buy a one with different settings?


    • Ashlee Marie

      no just press cook but don’t close the lid, once you add everything and your ready to start the machine cancel the cook setting then restart

  15. Cassandra Marucut

    If i am using Jasmine rice. How much rice would i use?


    • Ashlee Marie

      less rice – not sure how much less, my guess would be 3/4 C

Rice Cooker Sausage Jambalaya Recipe (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.