The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

I "WEATHER FORECAST 1 YEARS High 46, drow, generally fair. Temperatures Light rain. and warmer; to- The Daily Progress Op Low 24 YUBLIC SERVICE ESTABLISHED IN 1892-NO. 16,257. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA.

MOI TERNOON, MARCH 2, 1936 PRICE THREE CENTS STRAWN COMBATS WIRE EXPOSURES IF LAW BUSINESS FOR LOBBY PROBE Chicago Lawyer Search Asserts Is Committee Constitutional and Unreasonable Telegrams: Related To Utility Bills Subpoenae. Issued to. Un-1 cover Text of Messages Concerning Holding: -Company Fight WASHINGTON, March 2-5 UP)tias H. Strawn, former president the Chamber of Commerce of the Cited States today petitioned District of Columbia Supreme Court to restrain the Western Unba Telegraph. Company from turnby over his Chicago law negram's to the Senate lobby comnitec.

He acted -as the committee re, ened Its investigation of- activiwe directed last session: against mange. of the New Deal's' utility company law. said in. a. statement the ire had nothingsto conceal, but he' objected "to having our private affairs and the affairs of our clients subjected to.

such an sarasonable, and unconstitutional march and De complaint, said the Senate committee lasued. a subpoenae. on February is directed: to T. B. Larsbury, superintendent of WesUnion in Washington, demandby 'copies of all -telegrams.

sent ad received by Brin from February 1 1, 1335 to 'December 13S Claims Wires. Private It wild both the subpoenae' and the resolution wetting up the comutter were: unconatitutional: cause they. constituted an attempt to make a general Inquisitorial inrutigation "and" Ashing expedition ate the private affairs and business persons, Arms and -corporations 1 the United States." Strawn also is a former president the -American Bar He was represented today by Prank J. Hogan, lawyer who reprented William McCracken when' the Senate cited McCracken for. contempt last year when subpoe-1 ned Ales in his office were McCracken ten.

days In jail. The complaint further alleged the: subpoenae the dirilging of privileged: communicapons between lawyer and client." Upon reopening his investigation, Chairman Black, Alabama Demoerst of the lobby committee read -a memorandum from the Western Union Company which. said the Dominion Natural Gas an Ontario corporation, spent (2.164 on telegrams directed against the utility bill. Severson, vice-president and manager of the company; we on the stand. Arthur Mullen, former Nutteeman Democratic.

from Nebraska national law in Washington, sat besides the witness. Concern Is' Hubaidiary Severson. told authe committee that the Dominion concern is. of the Cities Service Company. He said he was also vice.

presi: of the Republic Light Heat und Power Company of. Buffalo, X. another Cities Service ComV The Western Union memorah: dum said the messages were sent between June 3-and June: 29, 1935, Chairman Black: Alabama Demo crit resumed role of chief questioner: Ho. was. in the chair summer's "prolonged hearing, Jargely to an attempt determine the nature and scope.

brought on Congress ten it was considering the utility company regulation bill had The lobby committee recently best criticized Amett an ent Liberty League. The senators Da latter contributions has advised. to the. donors tell about their contributions. Tomlin Injured In Auto Accident William H.

Tomlin, 31, of MontiHospital road In the University Today with a cut over eye, which he received when car. in hith he was a passentear the collided with a telephone pole tance to the Fry's city, Spring, about 7 Road o'clock onthe There cat, were two other passengers one of, whom, tired: No no one. else oven: reason for the accident Town Moving To Reject Charter Citizens Oppose Bond sue for Water Works MARSHALL, Mar: turbed by council's plans to build a local water works with $23.000 bond issue, a number of citizens of this historic homeplace of Chief Justice John Marshall have moved to repeal their one year old charter an incorporated A which sponsors claim been signed by 85 per cent of the town's: voters, Is being circulated preparatory for preander do of the Fauquier County sentation to Judge R. Alexcircuit court. document asks: that, 4 apecial election he called to allow Marshall's 140 qualined vote on the question of whether the charter should be dispensed with 'and the town returned to the status of an unincorporated communky, U.S.

TO ABANDON PANAMA CONTROL Power Of Intervention Is Relinquished In New Treaty, WASHINGTON, Mar. 2-(A 'In pursuance. of: President Roos velt's "good neighbor" policy, the United today 'agreed to abandon its right of intervention In Panama. In a treaty signed. by the two governments today, the" United Stater gave up its right, held since construction of the Panama Canal began, to maintain "public order in the cities Panama, Colon, and the territories and harbor adjacent thereto.

In case the Republic of Panama ludgment should- not be, in tho of the United States, able to maintain such order." That right. was conferred upon the United States in the 1903 treaty. which has governed the Mations of the two countries: up to the present and which the new pact Is designed to "The 'United States had contended in the past that this clause authorized to intervene not only in the case of actual disorder but 'also in case of a threatened dis order. Panama objected, protesting that this specific grant of the right of intervention no longer was war. ranted.

under present conditions and was contrary to the nonvention policy of the Roosevelt Administration: It was recalled that, shortly after. -President Roosevelt assumed office, the United' States formallyFabrogated Platt amendment which gave it the right. to intervene in the internal affairs, of Cuba. Colored Youth Is Victim Of Accident NEWPORT NEWS, Mar. 2-(P)- Tuskegee Institute Nudent was drowned, and his companion, Allen Moton, a con of Dr.

R. R. Moton, president emeritus of Tuskegee; narrowly escaped death 3 A. Sunday when their twelve rowboat in which They attempted to cross the York river capsized off the shore at Gloucester Point. The full "name hot the colored youth who drowned was.

not: avallable here today, although his last? name was said to de Carter. JAPANESE, FACING CABINET PROBLEM AS REVOLT FADES Premier Okada Associates Attend Council of National Object Of Emperor Leaders of Unsuccessful, Rebellion Reported To Suicide Victims TOKYO, March- 2 -Three distinguished near victims of: sassination in Tokyo's short-lived army insurrection met at the perlal Palace today, with: other a't. leaders off the Empire, secking. man brave and powerful enough to) head the government. Premier Keiruke Okada, whose! place Thefore the assassins was taken by his brother-in-law, Prince Kimmochk veteran elder statesman, who fed safely.

from an attack, -and Count Nobuakl Mikino, former Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, who escaped unhurt from an attack on his villa, tended the Council of State. el Their principal task, with remaining, as Premier his successor may. be, chosen, Was to restore national unity, courage and confidence, shaken. by the tragedies of last week when. rebellious diers' slew four persona- and hold government centers for four days before capitulating to the Imperial army.

Prince Shows Strain Prince Saloni, the 87-year-oll genro, or elder statesman, showed evidences of his. ago. and the strain of his recent flight from his home at Okitsu to. escape death when he arrived late today. "in the Capital under heavy police guardr: He: went Immediately to the Palace, with the other statesmen, and received Emperor Hirohito' command to advise on the choice of a new.

Premier In his accustomed role as elder statesman: which Prince now Alling for the thirteenth time, The Metropolitan Police Board announced that n've policemen were killed and one wounded in the rebel, attacks la'st Wednesday, four dying at the Premier's restdence, and one, at Yuguwara, where he hold assaselps at bay -and permitted Count Makino to escape One WAR wounded at: the home of finance -minister- Korekiyo Takahashi; -Only Three. Victims The known deaths in the rebellion Were Finance Minister Taka: hashi, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, Viscount Makoto Saito, Gen, Jotaro: Watanabe, chiet of military" education, and Denzo. Matsuo; brother-in-law. and secretary of Okada, who were In addition to the policemen who were killed in performance of their duty, three rebels committed sul-1 cide. The wife of.

one rebel: died with her husband, An. account said That Gendarmes found the bodies of, Lieut. Kenkichi Aoshima and his wife Saturday morning in the best off their Tokyo Home. The other two rebels announced officially to have committed mulcide were Capt. Teruzo Ando, alleged.

scader of tho Insurrection, who. shot himself in the head, and Capt. Shiro Nonaka. The fate of the twenty one viving. alleged leaders of the rebel, fion.

understood 'to -be held the military prison in Shibuys, was still to be decided Primary Tangles And Intra- Party Strife Feature Political Picture WASHINGTON, March 2-UP Primary tangles and Intra-party over strategy featured tHe litical picture today as the dates for the forthcoming preferential drew Chairman James of the National Committee, hastened to New England for par? leys and, speeches designed 10. stop. movements in New Hampshire and -Massachusetts to send unpledged delegation to the June convention in Philadelphia Primary activity: intensified in New York, California, Georgia and Alabama-and from. Father Charles E. Coughlin, radio, priest Came a declaration his National union for social justice, will candidates.

who pledge before the primaries "to drive the money changers from the temple." entrance Into New Engel Land today sighalled the start of his nation wide to. send to convention- delegator pledged to. President Roorevelt. In 1 Boston "he planned to confer with Governor James M. Curley and.

Governor Theft Of Papers From The Rooms Of Dwight W. Morrow Jr. Reported Loss TRENTON. J. March -The reported theft of certain papers from the rooms of Dwight: Morrow, Jr.

hrother of Mri. Charles Lindbergh, rollable sources. Was a possible topic for discussion today at a acheduled: meeting of three New Jersey cometals. Whether there WAs any Inipotto the: papers, the authori. tics did not say.

Morrow. reported. the loss 10. Col. Nornian Schwartkopf, superintendent Jarsey State police.

The papers Morrow Bald, from his living quarters in a rooming house a't. Cambridge, Schwarzkopf was tr confer today: with attorney Genetal. David T. and Prose. cutor Anthony: M.

Hauck. of Hunterdon County, the status of: the case of Bruno Rich'ard Hauptmann, convicted kidnap player of Cole Lindbergh' Arit born son. It, was at this meeting that the Morrow theft was understood to be a possible discussion subject. Morrow, A graduate student at! Harvard told police one nf the papers stolen contained ary of his mother, who is traveling in Europe. Meantime, fellable sources said, sharp debate, over the Haupo mann case, appeared on the verge; of breaking loose on the floor of Are Jersey Notified State of Polico Confers on Robbery Colonel 1L Norman the New Jersey Legislature.

The thirat of.a Legialative dehate appeared in the wake of ports. by. nome supporters: of Nov. Harold G. Hoffman, none of whom.

would be mentioned by name, that" they "heard" resolution would Introduced tonight calling tor 4 (Continued on l'ago Fise) to whom The theft of papers from the a rooms of Dwight W. Morrow in Cambridge, wha ported. BUILDING STRIKE SWEEPS NEW YORK Employees Reported Out In Many. Structures On Union Order NEW YORK, Mar. -The building, a employes' strike spread paralyzing wwirp of the New York through most of the city today, though James J.

Bambrick. leader, announced rapidly were being aigned with building 'owners for icatoration of workers Elevator men, janitors and other employer were ordered out of all buildings North of Fourteenth Street by Bambrick, piesident of the bullding service employed: uno Alon. Shortly anerward, however, he announced that Metropolitan Association of Boliding Ownere, presenting -110 aparimant houses on Swank Park: Avenue, and, the upper West aide, had agreed to the union terms. Men in those hack to work at once, promised a $2 weekly increase, a closed shop, and a 48-hour week. By tonight, Bambrick declared, the strike would he extended to the Wall Street Financial District, -the only portion by the morning.

walkout. There war sharp disagreement over the number of men who tuilly had left their jobs. Bambrick asserted that before, the end of the day 6,000 buildings would be with .75,000 I idles Department stores. well as Apartments and bulldingn, he declared, would be without service. William L.

Rawlina, secretary of the really advisory board, police estimate of 20 buildings tected on the upper West side "tremendously, exaggerated." and that claims buildings already closed was. impossible to mention." De James In Serious Condition Dr. James Early, delegate to non the State Legislature 4p. from extremely, County. continues condition at the was learned.

today. Dr. Early in suffering from ted lex. which began when he his, ankle chair. condition in said to the cated by a weakening ot the heart.

Prison BUll Upheld Tht Hawea-Cooper Jaw Ing states to -control or prohibit the sale within their borders of prison-made goods brought In from. outside was her constitutional today by the Supreme AT TITE LEADER Swartz, has just returned from New York with a lovely -sortment. of new merchandice, Be sure to vialt The Leader where coats, dresses aDd mill linery are display at The Loada usual moderate prices! 1F1p. IL DICE SEEKING TO CIRCUMVENT SANCTIONS ON OIL Domestic: Situation in Italy ly Said Very Serious; blini May Be Willing For Victories of Badoglio May Satisfy Desire For Conquest (Cops GENEVA, richt, Mar, Mitain offered today. to embargo madmat further oil other to Italy of the provided all.

do the name. and the of. 4P Nations council "committee. of. 13" was ordered to the possibility of the 1 Itijo Ethiopian war.

soldiers Have driver spearhead into the body of Ethiopia today and. Fanciet. dupho mate, in ought to supple. ment It ly'a armed with victory at the Conference they sought -to vent the application of niore tions against Italy by the League Nations. spokesman for the little entente of Yugoslavla, Czechoslovakia and Humania maid ho war Informed the domestic situation in Italy was serious from an economie- andpoint and that he belleves Premier Mussolini would soon he willing to negotiate for Ethiopia.

A possible additional incentive dol such. negotiatione war seen in ttiel feat' of -Marshal Pletio Northern columns which smashed through tho resistance of the lopian armies In the Tembien tor and at the Rocky: Redoubt of Amba with a spurted of 10,000 men In the Ethiopian forces. Forces Are Depleted AN pondent: estimated. that. only 5,000 left Jo the bien In Abbi.

Addl, village 25 minds West of Makale.Observers were of the opinion. that these sweeping Italian rains may have Premier desires for conquest in Ethics pid, in- case the Geneva port that he was nearing A negotiate would he An authoritative Italian source in Rome tated. that Italy wan ready to entertain "adequate" peace proporala. The harassed. Emperor Selannie was personally trying to 'ronsolidate Ethiopia's defenses In the.

North, a Djibouti, French Somallland, source stated, HO was data to Feb. 20 to Inspecto Ris. defenses South of the Temblen Area and: to confer with his military. leaders. Ready- For Omclal: French sources to Paris.

further substantiated the ment that Premier Mussolini was willing to talk of peace at Whowever, other Partian -pources said the French government an to: whether thisdiontion on the part. of f1 Duce was a real deare for prace or "the heginning ofea diplomatic: Such an "offensive" would Include activities against the extention sanctions. The: British government, that the Italnpercussiona would to. Include the British Empire in the prepared to make public program for. rearmament and increased National defenses.

Racing Bill Is "Left At Post" Measure Dir in Calendar betting the may: of Honor, in to let the hit to late better die on -the The: legalizing part. hetting parred the weeks ago but woult. he whom offrot the compantau on THe could The hill. 51 votes be. cause the revenues A votes af the number Last 1 was held on the on a motion to pain by frat motion 143 recon the hilly do- Sponsors wAle unable toy amepd it In A way that voter would not he needed.

OLD AGE PENSION PASSED BY HOUSE Measure Goes. Through Lower Body by Substantial Margin STATE CAPITOL; RICHMOND. March -The of Delegates luday panned the Pension Appropriating for (n without any discussion by a vote 57 to 38 he members applauded. The roll call. followerThese voting "no" Barrow, Bazilo, Breeden; Bustard.

Campbell, Caudill, -Chap man, Coleman, Colenian, Collina, 1 Daughtrey, Davis, B. Davi, Har: man, Harris, A Hodge Holteman, Hunters King, Irvine, back, Messenburg. Medley; Moore; Frapk Moot biery, Joy, Atophena, Thompson, Triplett, able, Yancey and Do. vell Thor voting Adama, 13 11. Adama, I Adams, Ashworth, Bandy, Bal.

they Roachen, Burke, Chitwood, Collings, G. H. Crockett, Crowder, Daniel, Daughton, Duval, Eacho. Edwarde, Ellie, Goodwin, Grabeel, Harris, A Hotson; Humphries, Lawson, Massle, Mitchell, Morrison, Neff, Oast; Perry, Perkina, Purdy, RobInson, Rodgers, Rosenberg. Russell; Sanford, Shradery Smith," 11.

Splers, giopt. Wihh, White, D. White; A. Wilkinson, Wilson, Yeatts and Zig. Those not voting: Carr, Eirly, Litton, Morgan, and Stuart, Prizes Are Awarded At Armory Skating Over 'seventy people attended the held at' the Armory Inst.

week, it was ani nounced" today-. Prizes awarded as follows: Childich 12. and under: Brat prizes, Allene Harlow ant Tommy linover: prizes, Coarlotte Staples and Edgar: Kelly: Chow 12 to 15: Ellewund and ElHot: Towery. Those 15 and over: First prizes, Frances Bonth and Joc. -ancond prizes, Marion Payne and Wallace Wind Government Prepares To Launch Soil Conservation Subsidy Plan WASHINGTON, March 2 officials packer to spend.

Into the 1 lunch the A bill X0 which Sell President A. Roosevelt has enacted ed into law The President announced that he A the cessor to AAA late Saturday night, days -after the Supreme Court struck "down the old farm programs do not: exard this farm panacea or- Anal plan." he I chnsider i it a basis 10 anA. Improve upon, as vexperience discloses its pointe of weakness and 'of atrength: "Aiming. st justice for agriculture and self-Interest for the nan ton the plan seeks to salvage and conserve the Treatcat: values in hun man life and resources with which this Nation is endowed law authorizes In to farmers annually: 102 withdraw land from Ferop production and use it for soul VIRGINIA LAW ON TOBACCO CONTROL: IS BEING PUSHED BY LEGISLATORS Measure: 1s Presented -to State: Senate -After Approval by. House House Rushes Work On Swift Schedule Twenty- five-cent Fee For.

Automobile Inspection Accorded Speedy Passage RUXTON PRESENTS INNOCENCE PLEA English Doctor Court on Charge of Murdering Wife 'MANCHESTER, ENGLAND, March 2 Dr. Buck Ruxton, his face drawn and ale after eleven weeks Amprisonment, stood In the dock of the cheater assizes today and pleaded innocence. to a charge of murdering his wife and dismembering her body The prosecution chose to proceed first with the charge in nection with the slaying of the year old Isabella Ruxton fore, taking up. charges arising from the death. of 20-year old Mary Jane Rogerson, maid to Dr.

Raxion. A jury- of men: was chosen, 10 hear testimony. In. the Beef-Tutt slayings; one. of BrtStain's most gruesome model tery.

cases. Women and men actatora were separated in the courtAgom, the former occupying two! special galleries, The call prosecutor, J. Jackson, declared In his opening statement that he attempt 'to prove that Dr. luxton first killed his wife and then 'his nursemaid, after the latter was a witnessthe first, death. He outlined how the bodies.

were "horribly mutilated," and said would introduce testimony that Dr. Ruxton, 'was "frightfully" of his wife, often quarreled with her and once threatened her with than, 200 exhibits, Including the alleged mutilated res maid of 34-year old Mra Isabella! Ruxton and 20-year old Mary Rogerson were assembled under close guard, and the execution marshalled. 120. witnesses for the trial, The case aroused public- Interest to a pitch. unrivalled since .1910, when the notortous little Dr Chrippen was hanged for the murde der of his wife, Belle Elmore, music-hall artist expected to last a stortnight-o more, Chain Store Lax Is -Approved By House, STATE CAPITOL RICHMOND.

Star: 2- -The McCue bill plac-ing- a graduated tax on tax chant stores, with the maximum per unit r.n chains of more than 40 stores, was passed today "by the. House: of Delegates without dir: cussion, 21. Filling stations are from, the bill. when 701 percent of their is- represent. ed by.

petroleum products. Big canned food sale on tomatoes. corn, peas, asparagus tips, flour, and 200 other grocery Labels almost perfect. This an- opportunity your pantry at genuine wholesale prices Warehouse on South Street 1 block East of Lane High. 1t-1p.

1 STAIN CAPITOL, RICHMOND; MAN. 419 The Senmie today nasard the bill to tabarao production tri. cooperation with. other tobacco growing 33 0, Renate. the House bill which Identtrat.

with the Senate measure, And paased it within Ave minutes wan taken up and continuing airder at The bill provides for a commis sion which. may work with bodies other states for controls Hog Senator W. M. Tuck of 2 who offered the bill, moved the bill he withat linted for the Renate measure, the committee: on agriculture be diacharged. from, consideration.

of It, constitutional remdings be: pended and the bill he passed, "I Am of the opinion," Turk said, "that: this Legislation Will. go long way: Toward establishing fair market prira for the male of taharro, if and when it becomes 1t very questionable whether rontrol Legislation will be adopted by other tobacco growing water early enough for the plan become effective for the 1936 crop. 1 take this poultion, however: those ni who reprasent tobACCO APPAR OWE a high duly to the tobarco growers, and there la nothe Ins left up to do but diacharge our -duty-and leave -the matter By up to the authorities of other. states for such appropriate: action they may advisable, "The bill has been approved by. Aftorney General A.

P. Staples; who has spent many days laboring over.thin propored Legislation, and by J. R. ol the tobacco section of the A.A.A, might add that at the confer. Pace at Washington by the Governors of Virginia -North Carolina and the representatives of the governors" of other states it www the expressed opinion -of all of them that the atop that being taken by.

Virginia 1. bigty destratie and That The proposad bill a proper one provided other tohaceco: states ran be duced la like action." 'Mince Bill The House today quickly passed the Hobson -bill providing for cent fee for official inspection of automobiles where the garage owner makes repairs of lee than. one dollar. The few will not be callected, where repaira of' $1 or more are paid. The Controversial.

Bill creating separate division of mines, not unthe jurisdiction of the commis of labor; with. committee: amendment to: locate the chief fice at Norton, VA In The heart of the coal Melds, was ralled up next. It la opposed by the Department of Labor and the Virginia Slate Fede- ration of labor. Delexate Scott Tation, of Russell, principal patron. of the which favored by the Virginia Coal Association; the bill.

It containe many. safely features a similar to the bill favored by the Department of hor. which was killed in committee, the main point of difference being the creation of a separate division of mines, Litton said the division under a chief mine: inspector to be named by Governor. He- pointout that the Walled Stales Buhas an omice at NorHe majd practically. every pro.

ducet of coal in Virginia the bill, and that was approved by the United mine workers. M. Randy, of Wive, look the center alale, said he would stand on the measure and that he could get the vote of the miner in. hit He the people of the Southweat let' Tidewater regulate the seafoil Industry and the peorde of the valley handle apple legislation. "If you don't want to give us this just kick us into Kentucky," he said.

Labor Is Opposed The House refused to cut off debate by moving the pending ques tions Frank Moore, of Rockbridge, raid. might he a good bill but that he was opposed to it, hocause it crafter (Continued On Tags Seven) Chairman Joseph McGrath of the State Committee. He will address the young Democrats. of -New Hampshire at Manchester tonight And' his will be broadcast. Governor Joseph: Ely, anti-New Deal Democrat; and a sponsor of the movement tor pledged delegates from hue from Florida: tomorrow and is expected combat Far ley's plans.

elect delegates' a week from tomorrow In. the frat such primary in the nation John S. Hurley, a former man, is among the four who have nied as unpledged delegates. He de clared the New Deal policies fraught with danger." Coughlin, In last night's broadcast from Detroit, declared that in ell' but of 'the 24 congressional Districts. In Ohio, the union will a endorse either a Repubor Democrat on the grounds.

that such- a candidate has publicly pledged to support our, principles (Continued On Fare Three) bullding other. nomic The money will: he paid either dirently to, farmers or. through dateR which sot up approved pervation After two the be: paid only In. which have prof grams. AMA maid a major will be to take 40 000 acres out of commercial crop More of, the plans will he in 1936.

reveal. ed at- four regional meeting Two! of them. held at and Memphis on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The others: will be hold at New York and Salt Lake City March 0: 10 Although the new law contains no production control contracts the Supreme Court ruled them out -President Roosevelt expressed hope farmers and we have not abanatoned and will not abandon the principle of equality for agricul ture, he said. 7.

a a.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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